Thursday, March 7, 2013


Think about your daily routine. What's one change you could make that would make a difference? Post your comments.


  1. I always buy bottles of water and I used to leave the botles in the street. It's a bad habit.

    It's truth, there aren't enough wastebasket in the street, but It's not a pretext.

    Now, I am aware of the polution in the world and I carry up my bottles to home.
    I try to not alter the enviroment whith garbage. I talk to my friends about that and how the sea is the end of the garbage in many case.

    I recycle bottles in my home and after to gain some money. :D

    Ronald Gamarra

  2. In my case, it's common that I leave the lights on in some rooms in my house, although there isn't one there. Especially when I stay at home with my brother at night, he feels strange movements and we prefer sleep with the lights on. Recently I read an article about the pollution and its causes and leave the lights on was one of these causes. If you leave the lights on during 2 hours, it emits between sixty and one hundred grams of carbon dioxid to the atmosphere and this increase the global warming. For this reason is better that keep the lights off to don't damage the enviroment. I'm trying to do that, even though my brother doesn't like it. But I explained to him that if people continue with the pollution will increase respiratory deseases and infectious deseases. Also increase the frequency of the hurricanes and storms in others countries and maybe here. So we should have awareness and help the enviroment for the good of all.

    Nohely Baltazar García

  3. Water is something essential in our lives ,because we need to drink water to live ,also we need water to wash ourselves,to cook ,to wash our clothes and to keep things clean to preserve our health.We could´nt live whithout water so we must be aware of the value of water making efficient use of this natural resource.For example, I have changed my habit of taking long showers, now I am taking short showers to don´t waste water ,I close the pipe while I soap my hands,and now I use only a glass of water to brush my teeth.Also I am teaching my family and friends to dont waste a lot of water.We don´t have to leave the water running if it is not necessary ,we have to take care water to preserve our natural resourse.

    Diana Ruiz.

  4. Well, whenever I go to slpeep, I tell myself: Before I sleep, I'll watch Tv for a while. Then when I get up in the early morning I see that my Tv is on, and at that moment I turn off quickly my Tv. Other times, when I forget to turn off the Tv, my granny comes in and yells at me to turn off the Tv. And what I'm doing is wrong, because I read that when appliances are used at night, you waste more electricity.
    I'm aware of what I do, so,now I program my Tv to turn off and don't worry about it, have less energy bills and be more responsible with what I have and must doing.

    Liset Fermin

  5. I used to mix and throw all the trash together, especially plastic bottles, milk cans and food wastes,etc. But since the last year I became aware of environmental pollution and now I just throw food wastes.
    SINCE one year ago I PUT BOTTLE PLASTICS, cans, and some clothes we do not wear in separetly bags to give to an old person who every two weeks goes to my mother's home to ask for all that things to recycle and sell, seeing that she does not have any support.
    My mother and I have learnt to recycle everything that in the past we used to throw out.
    So I think We can create an Enviromental Group to recycle and to help people who do not have any economical resource.

    Diana Rubiños

  6. I have a bad habit. I don't like to wash my clothes with my hands. Many people washing to this form but there are persons to use washing machine. This product consume a lot of water when it's using. It's better to use the washing machine when there are many clothes but If you have little clothing is preferable to use the laundry so we don't waste a lot of the water. Well, I do the opposite. I use the washing machine when there are little or too much clothing. I'll try to change this bad habit. Experts say that in the future there wont be water if we don't make good use of this!

    Gino Antony Vasquez Q.

  7. well, i want to talk about. that today people drink too much soda and not know the consequences. first there is a risk of obesity, cardiovascular problems occur. contributing to calcium loss. people have to be aware about the consequences drinking soda or artificial juices and people must change soda by water that is one hundred percent healthy.ROSARIO CHAVEZ

  8. One of the bad habits that I have is to consume too much sugar. For example when I prepared a cup of tea or a cup of coffee I served too much sugar, also to consume too many sodas and my mother said to me that it is bad because it can cause some disease as the diabetes. And because of it I have proposed to reduce the sugar in my drinks and also don't drinking sodas, only drink natural juices.

    Diego Aguirre

  9. I have a many bad habit , one of my bad habit is that I don't like to do chores at home but even so I have to do it because then my mom yells me. Also I'm a litter laz to get up because always I go to the bed early so I'd would like to be early riser because when I was in the school I get up very early but now I don't do it. everyday I have to clen my bedroom thought sometimes I don't have time but my mom argues.
    So I' would like to change this habit becausa not is good for me and I have to learn to do things for myself.

    Gianella Fernàndez

  10. One of the many bad habits I have is that I like to eat fast food. Every day before going to sleep I buy fast food because it's delicious, but food brings such problems as overweight, acne, cholesterol, and so on. This food is not at all healthy and contains a lot of oil. on the other hand usually sleep very late at night because I feel better doing things like reading a book, writing letters, and then check my emails but est has a consequence that is levantarme'muy late the next day for college, I think the night is so cool because there is no noise that might interrupt what you're doing, but according to my mom says I should sleep early to get up early, I would like to change those habits to improve for many things that I perform.

    Angie Oyola

  11. I have a lot of bad habits but the habits that I can change is that I used too much water.
    I used a lot of water to take a shower. I always take a shower in the morning and the night and the time that I spend in the shower it is something like one hour. Yes , one hour. My mom said that is very exaggerated but I do not care too much. But I think that I can change it . It would be good for the pocket of my parents and for the world. Water is very important for our lifes and is inappropriate the way that I use it .
    The other thing is that I am very obsessed about the cleaning. I can not see something dirty beacause I attack with a sponge and soap. I use a lot of aerosol who damages the planet. I trate to change it but I can not. I will start very soon. I can save some money and water who I can spend in other things.
    Maria Alejandra Ore :3

  12. It is true that these technological devices like the blackberry or the iPhone serve us to be connected with our family and friends, we can take photos, save videos and many things that we can do with all the applications. But to many people have started to depending of the blackberry. In my case I use my blackberry big part of the day. when I go to the university and in classes I have the bad habit to use them when Im listen to the teacher or when I doing my homework and that is so distracted for me. I thing that a change that I could make to make a change is to use my cellphone to important thing for example to looking for information and in my free time instead of be with my cellphone, I can focus in other kind of activities like read a book or spend time with my family because so many times we prefer to be chatting with the people on the blackberry instead to talk to them face to face. Also is not good to be with the blackberry all the day because is not good for our health because of the high radiation. For that reason we should stop the overuse of the blackberry.

    Solange Quinto Inti

  13. one of my bad habits is that every time I'm nervous I bite my nails for example when I have a task to expose in front of the clase, before it's my turn I start to eat my nails and sometimes I'm hurting in my fingers. this bad habit I have since I was a kid and my mom sometimes put me gloves so i couldn't eat my nails.

    Jefferson Hacha Vera

  14. Well, of all my bad habits I considerate the baddest habit is that I forget something that I should do it or forget something that I say. Sometimes I promise help to my friends but I forget, this bad habit brings me many problems, I think that this problem happen because I never organized my schedule, and ever I like help to all my friends. My mom ever tell me that I should organize more my time and be more careful when I promise help to my friends.

    Paul Paredes Agama

  15. I will change my routine using my bicycle to go to different place near to my house.
    With this will change my routine because I am accustomed to take a bus or taxi for move of place to place. Many people like me take a bus, taxi or motorcycle for not walk, avoid fatigue. In some case people use their car when they live near to their job or study center only for show to have car.
    Nobody say that it is incorrect but will make a difference walk or use your bicycle like me and with this we exercise and care our planet.
    Is a good idea for change the routine.


  16. Good night teacher! In this opportunity I'm going to talk about one change I could make that would make a difference. First of all we know the electricity is very important now, and with all the technology in the world we need to conserve very well this resource. With saving bulbs, you light your home using the same amount of light for less money.
    Then as approximately 30% of the electricity used in this country is for lighting, switching to energy efficient and saving bulbs is an easy way to save energy and money.

    Diego Mendieta Cadillo :)

  17. Good Night, well I have a lot of bad habits but I will write about one. Two years ago, I liked to smok in especially when I went to night clubs or parties but I didn't nothing for I stooped. One day my father spoke with me and He tried to teach me some consequence He told me that you have to stop of smoke because you damage your health and of other people and you need to respect this so you have to be more responsable and You change it, with this and I try of don't pollute the environment.

    1. Good Night, well I have a lot of bad habits but I will write about one. Two years ago, I liked to smok in especially when I went to night clubs or parties but I didn't nothing for I stooped. One day my father spoke with me and He tried to teach me some consequence He told me that you have to stop of smoke because you damage your health and of other people and you need to respect this so you have to be more responsable and You change it, with this and I try of don't pollute the environment.
      Paola Chavez Vela Io6

  18. In my case, I would like to change my routine maybe If I wake up more early I will have more time for I can go to run, I can review my personal notes before I go to ICPNA. Then, I would like to make the clean of my home everyday but, It`s imposible because always I wake up very late. I will try to be more organized in my things so, I think that wake up more early It`s a good way to start the day.

    Anais Apestegui Pozo

  19. I have to change a bad habit very common, but very important in our life that is:


    This habit is about postponing decisions or actions that you had it planned and is a bad habit that I have.
    Well when I have homework or some tasks I don't do it in the moment I wait minutes or hours for do it. I thing it's laziness in that moment because maybe I was doing something that I was enjoying and I have to change this break or situation for doing the task that I don't really like.
    Finally I think this bad habit must be changed to be better people and be more responsible too.

    Wendy Obregon Roca
    Intermediate 06

  20. I have a bad habit,I make unnecessary use of electricity,this bad use is also the cause of the environment pollution, I could change this bad habit, i have to use electricity at certain times and also unplug electrical appliances when they are not used, I think that this changes can to help to save the planet.
    Daniel Espinoza

  21. In my case, when I was in high school and now that I'm in college I used to use many separate sheets used them to practice, make summary, to study, but I realized that I didn't use it adequately.
    To waste a sheet are contributing to deforestation of the forest, and my mother gave me an idea, why not take the sheets of used notebooks that have not been written and put them all together to use as notes, or maybe, stapled them to use as a notebook to practice mathematical or physical exercises and courses like these.
    In this way try not to waste more sheets of paper, and save forests for the good of the planet.
    Miguel Tasayco
